Sunday, August 31, 2008

The best godson ever

Try not to be jealous. It's not good to compare youself to others, studies show that it leads to unhappiness. But if you're asking yourself - 'why don't *I* have a godson this cute?' or even - 'why isn't *my* godson this cute?', just remember, not everyone can have a godson as cute as Ilia. They're just not all born the same.

Monday, August 25, 2008

the 13th time

I was a bridesmaid for my lucky 13th time (as luck would have it) in Luck, Wisconsin (or very close by). I think the universe is telling me something. And I'm not suggesting that the universe is telling me to get married, so don't let your imagination run away with you. :) But I did just move to LA and absolutely everything you could think of associated with a move has gone beautifully and luck seems be on my side. Anyway, here's some pictures from my lucky 13th time being a bridesmaid near Luck, WI, with my lucky camera.

Love and Luck, Emily